Butterfly Life Cycle

Veteran's Video used in Technology Lesson Plan

Amphibians WebQuest

Thursday, August 28, 2008

About Me/ Welcome!!!


My name is Jamie Barlow. I am 22 years old and have lived in Utah all my life. I lived in a very small town for the first 18 years of my life. Then I moved to the "big city" of Orem. I met my husband while living here through one of my room- mates. We were set up on a blind date and married 2 years later. We have only been married a few months, but so far I love it!!

:: SCHOOL ::

I am currently attending school at UVU to become an elementary teacher. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. I remember playing "school" with my friends. My grandma was a teacher, my mom is a teacher, 2 of my 3 aunts are teachers, and several of my cousins are teachers. I love children and want to be someone who makes a difference in their lives. I can't think of many other careers that would be quite as rewarding.


I like camping and being outdoors. I really like to fish, although I'm not very good at it. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews. I enjoy books and reading. I also love my cat, Jasmine.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Professional Development Profile


I believe technology in the classroom could be used in a very positive way to increase interest and learning in students, particularly in the older grades. From the experiences I have had in younger grades (Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade) the students seem satisfied with the “old-fashioned” approach used in the classroom. Sitting on a rug listening to stories and watching the teacher use white boards seems to suffice for the younger students.

I think that older students would definitely benefit from having more use of technology in a classroom. They have grown up with computers, cell phones, and video games so if those things are taken away from them they may adopt an attitude of apathy for what they are learning. However, I truly do believe that a good teacher can bring anything to life for students with or without the use of modern technology. Someone who has true talent and skill in teaching has the power to make any student become involved and interested in any given subject. I also believe that if a teacher has an intense passion and excitement for a subject, the students will feed off of it and the intensity may help to increase interest for the students.

Now that I think about it, I guess my feelings about technology in the classroom are mixed. I feel that technology can and has been a vital asset to many as they have used it to increase student interest and learning. However, I do not believe that learning and interest is dependent on have the use of modern technology in the classroom. Having power point presentations to use does not necessarily guarantee that a teacher will have a successful lesson that will be engaging to students. I have been in classes where power points are just another method of lecturing for teachers. I think I need to be more informed about the kinds of technology that could be used in the classroom. Computers and power point presentations are the only things I can think of that have been used in the classrooms I have been involved in.


The articles and videos made me realize just how big a part of our lives technology is. My life is influenced by technology in so many ways. I use my phone, particularly for text messaging, for a huge part of every single day. I believe my last phone bill said I sent a total of 5,000 text messages last month. I figured that is 166 messages every day, and about 10.5 messages every hour I am awake. Obviously my phone has become a big part of my life. I also use myspace, facebook, and email on a daily basis. Typically I use all 3 of them on multiple occasions every day. I had never realized just how much I used the internet and other sources of technology every single day of my life. To go a week without my phone or the internet would be a disaster. It would cut off my communication with the world. As sad as it is that I have become so dependent on technology, I don't think I am the only one in that situation. With that being said, we may as well embrace the technology that we are so dependent on and use it in ways to enhance student learning.


From the articles I read and the videos I watched, I learned that 77% of students between 16 and 18 use the internet daily for things such as myspace, facebook, blogging, emailing, chatting, and gaming. The students say that they learn technology skills, creativity, and how to communicate from these websites. If this is true, and they are learning all of those vital skills, I don't see how we can deny having as much technology in the classroom as possible. I had never thought about all that can be learned from the internet. I have my own myspace page, and as I think about it, I really spent a lot of time in making it what it is. I had the opportunity to use anything I wanted to make it my own. It truly did allow me to use creativity and make something I can be proud to share with my friends. It has also allowed me to communicate with people I would otherwise have lost touch with, so I guess it does truly teach communication as well.


I do believe that my view of the importance of technology has changed since watching the videosa nd reading the articles provided on the class blog. It is no surprise that computer and technology skills are an absolute must in the work world today. My father honestly can not turn on a computer. He recently decided to apply for a job that would not require as much physical labor as his current job, and was turned down because he had no computer skills. The employer told him the majority of what he would be doing would be on the computer. He was very disappointed. Seeing him go through that experience really opened my eyes as to how important computer and technology skills are. This generation has literally been raised on technology, and it's going to be a huge part of life whether we like it or not. We may as well embrace it and use it to its full advantage if it's not going anywhere.

Technology also offers us so many things we never had before. I loved the video that talked about how having the internet allows children who would never hold a book in their lives, learn to read. That struck a soft spot for me that really made me evaluate the endless possibilities technology and the internet open up for us. If you really sit and think about all that could be done because of the advances in technology, it's so exciting.


I think that many of the teachers around today did not grow up on the computer, and having cell phones, and all that we have today. Perhaps they do not feel they are comfortable enough with the technology to really incorporate it into all that they do. Maybe it is scary to them to leave the comfort zone they have known for years in their teaching and adopt new ideas that would cause them to learn right along with their students.

Another thing that may be an issue in why technology is not used as widely as it could or should be is funding. How amazing would it be if every student could have their own computer to use during school? Papers could be turned in online via email or blogging. That would eliminate a big chunk of paper that is used annually if all schools did not require students to turn in papers. That may be a far reach as to how dramatically using technology could take us, but it is something to think about. So as awesome as it would be for every student to have their own computer to work on, is it even a possibility given the funding schools have today?

Text books could be published online eliminating a huge cost for college students. I know it would save me about $500 EVERY SEMESTER if I could read the text for my classes online rather than buying the books that will be obsolete in a few short months. Perhaps some of the money that would be saved by students not having to purchase books could be used for increasing the amoung of technology we could have available in schools.


I realized that I do not know nearly as much as I thought I did about technology. On the UNI surveys I scored Novice in almost every area. There were a few areas in which I was an Apprentice, however I would like to become much more familiar than I am with technology. The NET Standards did make me feel slightly more familiar with technology than the UNI survey. As I was reading through the list of standards, I did not feel I was too far from the majority of the standards. Hopefully I will be able to obtain the knowledge and skill I will need before I hit the classroom!


- I am very familiar with the Web and can use it to obtain almost any information I need. I am able to use basic search engines and can sort through results from a search to find the legitimate sites with accurate information.

- I use e-mail on daily basis, typically multiple times a day. I have specific folders in my email to help maintain organization.

- I use word processing programs regularly for all my written professional work including papers and resumes. I use spell and grammar checks. I try to incorporate graphics or tables whenever possible.


- I do not produce audio/visual products. I know how to upload graphics and use them, but that is the extent of what I can do. I feel that if I was able to do more with audio/visual products I could use that in the classroom in many different ways.

- I am not familiar with copyright laws and when things are able to be used and when they are protected by copyright laws. I feel I would benefit from learning more about what is and is not ethical or legal to use.

- I could definitely become more familiarized with special services/adaptations to help students with special needs. I am vaguely aware of a few such products/services but knowing more about it would benefit me tremendously if I am faced with students with special needs.


I would like to become proficient in all 3 areas I described as weaknesses. I feel that they are all things that will be vital to me if I am to be successful in using technology in my classroom. I would really like to familiarize myself with, and begin to use, audio and visual products to enhance the lessons I prepare and bring another aspect of creativity to the classroom. It is my goal that by the time I am teaching, I would like to be able to use those products in ways to engage the students in learning.

As far as the copyright laws go, it is my goal to become knowledgeable in what is and is not ethical or legal. I will need to know when it is and is not okay to use graphics, and how to determine if they are protected or if I am able to use them in my lessons.

The special services/products that are available for students with special needs are something that I need to familiarize myself with because chances are that I will at some point have a student with a speical need. If there is something available that could make school and learning easier for them, it is my obligation as an educator to be familiar with those things and be able to obtain them so that every student gains as much as they can from spending time in my classroom. It is my goal to become familiar with services and/or products that would benefit those with the most common special needs, such as ADD, ADHD, or autism.





Thanksgiving Video Story

Enjoy this digital story of the First Thanksgiving!