Butterfly Life Cycle

Veteran's Video used in Technology Lesson Plan

Amphibians WebQuest

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Week in Field

This has been an interesting week so far! Carrie and I are in a 5th grade class in American Fork.

The teacher we areworking with is... different. He doesn't plan anything, and therefore the students have a LOT of time to just do whatever they want. Luckily, most of them like to read so they spend a good majority of their time reading. When we arrive in the morning they students do a little literacy activity where they correct sentences that are written incorrectly on the whiteboard. After that they spend 45 minutes copying spelling words out of the dictionary. Once the first hour of school is over, they get into groups where they read together. They do this until lunch time. It's the same thing every day. They do not have a morning recess. They don't even get out of their seats much. I have found it very eye-opening. I work in a different school that is completely the opposite. They have 3 recesses a day, and are constantly doing interactive things with the students.

We had our first opportunity to teach Thursday.. We did a lesson on Immigration and Emigration. I thought it went well. The students were engaged and were able to use a little bit of their creativity. I want to know what the students thought of it. They seemed to enjoy the lesson. Most of the students in the class are from lower-income families and a few have come from other countries. The lesson was something that many of the students could relate to. At one point we had the students share where their families or ancestors had come from. They were so excited to share. I think every student had their hand raised and wanted to tell us where they came from.

Friday's lessons also went extremely well. We did a lesson on Freedom of Speech and Press, and also an Art lesson. The students loved it and were all so engaged. Even those who do not typically speak up or say anything in class were involved. They seemed to have a lot of fun, and that made it fun to be teaching. I am liking the students more and more every day. They all have such fun personalities and are so different. It's been a good experience getting to know them so far.

We'll see what the next week holds!

1 comment:

Dr. Hudgins said...

Your field experience sounds very different. How do the students like the routine they are in reading only. What does your cooperating teacher teach. It is good you are able to teach and it is going well.

Thanksgiving Video Story

Enjoy this digital story of the First Thanksgiving!