Butterfly Life Cycle

Veteran's Video used in Technology Lesson Plan

Amphibians WebQuest

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Second Week in Field

This second week in field seems to have gone better than the first. We started out the week by teaching lessons on Monday and Tuesday (Veteran's Day) that went well. Our cooperating teacher is still not planning much of anything from day to day. That has been so interesting to see. On Friday, he randomly had everyone go outside (it was about 40 degrees with a freezing wind blowing) and run around and play kickball. The kids were all shivering. That was strange to me that he randomly decides to go outside on such a cold day and run to the fence and back 3 times. It has definitely been interesting to see how one individual has structured his classroom.

I'm getting to know Carrie better every day and I absolutely love working with her. She is so great and has so many good ideas. I'm having a good time.


mkoller said...

That sounds really weird to me too. Was he hoping to get all of his students sick so he could have a free day? Well i am glad that this week is going better for you guys. And your right it is interesting to see how each teacher sets up their classroom differently.

Cassie said...

That sounds like it was cold. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Best of Luck!

amber said...

Sounds interesting. My classroom is exactly the opposite. The teacher is so organized. I can feel like you couldnt lose anything. Kickball? Did you play. Hope the last week works out better.

Thanksgiving Video Story

Enjoy this digital story of the First Thanksgiving!